The Board
The Tour de Rocks Board consists of 14 directors from the local community. Each bringing a different skill set to ensure the smooth running of our events and driving our fundraising.
​Current Directors are:
Kay Endres - Chair
David Boundy - Co Chair
John Sewell - Co Chair
Lauren Weston - Solicitor
Paula Williams - Treasury
Justine Biddle
Elizabeth Egan
Scott Fittler
Mick Killen
Fran McDonald
David Mills
Dane OÇonnor
Gerard (Moose) Stephens
Glenn Townsend​
Our Subcommittees and their members:
Paula Williams - Chair​
Dr Phil Bookallil
Dr Robin Diebold
Vanessa Kruidenier
Kathy Marquardt
Mary Single
Scott Sullivan
Bill Wheeler
Marketing and Fundraising
Lee Boundy​
Lisa Sewell
Helen Smith
Fran McDonald​
Lindsay McDonald
Paul Marquardt
Mario Gasbarri
Ride Logistics
David Boundy​
Theron King​